Cool Pharm has over 10,000 compounds available in stock. New and unique products are constantly added to our catalog.
You can search our products by Keywords such as Product name, CAS, MDL, Smile Code.
You can also perform exact Structure Search or Substructure Search.
Besides our catalog building blocks, our services include development of medicinal novel building blocks, reference standard compounds, impurities, by-products and other organic intermediates.
If you are unable to find the desired compounds in our website, please contact us at
We offer high-quality and cost-effective custom synthesis service under strict confidentiality including the following:
Product preparation from milligram to kilogram scale.
Special reagent, intermediate and template synthesis and scale up.
Reference compounds and metabolites preparation.
Process development and scale up.
Hydrogenation/CO insertion under pressure ranging from FV to 500 psig.
We have global supplier network and our professional procurement team ensures timely supply of high quality compounds at low cost in mg to tons quantities. We rank our suppliers by measuring the delivery time and project completion percentage and thus only prefer to the most reliable suppliers.
For your procurement needs, please contact us at
Cool Pharm provides high-quality bulk manufacturing service ranging from kg to tons scale at competitive price. Highly creative research chemists in our process groups are able to develop an optimum process that is both cost effective and yields the best.
More importantly, we have close collaboration with our long-term partners for bulk production.
You can request for bulk quote via website or contact us at
603, No. 1, 2277 Lane, Zu Chongzhi Road, Zhangjiang Hightech. Park, Pudong, Shanghai, 201203, China.